Today is Kinley's 1 month birthday! It is crazy that she is already a whole month old. What is even crazier is that today was my due date. I can't even imagine still being pregnant or just now having her. Starting way back in April today is the day that we had been counting down to and looking forward to. Instead of being in the hospital having her today we are already in a pretty good routine and I feel like we are already pretty adjusted to having a baby. We are so thankful that even though she came a little early she was completely healthy!
Today we went to church, then to lunch at Joseppie's. After lunch we had a parents meeting at church for child dedications next weekend. It was a little weird going to a parents meeting, it doesn't really feel like we have been parents long enough to be going to parents meetings! After the meeting we went home and all took naps, it was nice to get a little rest this afternoon because we didn't get much last night. It was really nice outside here today so after nap time we took Kinley on a walk. It was the first time we had used the stroller and I really liked it! Kinley slept through most of the walk, until the very end when she decided she was starving. Usually I like it to be cold and snowing in December but it was nice to have a 70 degree day to take Kinley on her first walk!

1 month
The outfit that she is wearing in the picture is what she was supposed to wear home from the hospital. It was way too big a month ago and she still has plenty of room to grow but I thought it would be fun to take her 1 month picture in it!